Your Immagination! Why 21 Millions Account from China has been Deleted? Why "they" Lack Up over 3 Millions people at homes? Why "they" want You think You may "needed" "Vacine" with "cookie" in it? Terror by Vacine for Immaginery Viruses!!! Every person have right be happy and loved, no mare the age and race. Every person should respect them self and others. I AM Spiritual Care Giver.
New Way of Thinking, Spread Rapidly Worldwide.
Are you Ready to become the ONE? The One Who Know?"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war."- Albert Einstein
Spirituality is Knowing, Expending Your Knowledge, Celebrate and Cultivate Your Body & Mind, Every Day!
Knowledge - is Power, Lack of Knowledge is Lack of Power!
Coaching Sessions, Coach Groups and Individuals - Preacher, Educator, Visionary, Motivational Speaker
Master Zen says; "think for yourself, and don't believe anything, even if your master or someone well-respected has said it. Be critical of everything, and live in the present.
You Assist an Evil System Most Effectively by Obeying It Is Orders and Decrees. An Evil System Never Deserves Such Allegiance. Allegiance to it Means Partaking of the Evil. A Good Person Will Resist an Evil System with His or Her Whole Soul. - Mahatma Gandhi
We will at the workshop, help individuals on personal growth and fulfillment, and empowers persons with the knowledge that the Presence of God is Within all Individuals, Living Together in a Spiritual Universe.
Coaching Sessions, Groups and Individuals
Educator, Motivational Speaker, Visionary, Food Psychology Coaching.
How to 'Reclaim' Your 'Mind' from Mental Dependency.
You Are the ONE! You are Creator and You Can Promote Your Health, Your Power & Wellness with Knowledge and Your Increased Spirituality. Religion, Science and Philosophy = is ONE.
Posses Knowledge of One and Use Your Power to Create!
Any Person Who Participate in to Prosperity, MUST Prosper Him Self.
SPIRITUALITY EQUAL TRUTH Be in Service, Create, Build, Work, Dream It is Your Life! You Design IT!
I believe that the people who are Following a Spiritual Path are Promoting Peace for them Self's, for the Earth and for "Other People".
Respect and Cooperation is the Key.
When You Reacting to Something, You React with Yours FEELINGS (ENERGY) AND YOU CHOOSE what Feelings and Energy You Generate.
Did you know new research has already proven that your energetic frequency can prevent you from achieving the life you desire no matter how hard you try or what law of attraction or personal growth tool you use?
If you control your feelings, you will generate Only positive/Love Feelings.
You Will Learn Control Negative Energy and Feelings or You Will Learn to Build Shield Against any Negative Feeling Coming at You or Completely Ignore Them.
The Laws of Nature gives Evidence that they are Under the Control of a Universal Plan.
Man is the only living creature equipped with Power of Choice Through which he May Establish his Own Thought and Behaviour Patterns.
You Have the Power to Break Bad Habits and To Create Good Ones in their place - at Will.
We will learn how to Strength Your Will to Help You Achieve Your Goals.
The Purpose of My Workshops Is Intensely Practical Because it Teaches Us How To Use the Mind Principle for Creative Acts, Such as Helping Those Who are Sick, Impoverished, or Unhappy. You Also Will Help Your Self.
Each One of Us Can and Should Learn to Become a Practitioner of this Science, a Demonstrator of its Principle, a Conscious User of its Power. We Are All Creators.
Power Already Exists, but the Existence of Power Is of No Particular Value to Us Until We Use It.
We Must Not only Be Conscious of Power, but We Must Be Actively Conscious Of It.
This is one of the first lessons We learn in the workshop.
Becoming Dedicated to Expend Knowledge, Spiritual and Higher Enlightenment, Is the First Step to Attain Prosperous, Happy, Liberated and Healthy Lives, and We Will Use Deductive Reasoning of the Laws of Science, Opinions and Philosophy, and Revelations of Religions Applied to Human Needs and the Aspirations of Mankind.
Knowledge of Philosophy, Religion and Science is One, but this is only Beginning...
The Idea is; How to Live in Harmony with Spiritual Principles to Promote Greater Peace, Happiness and Joy. Based on Metaphysical Laws and Applying Law of Love, Gratitude, Compassion, Kindness, Authenticity and Intention, We Can Enhances Overall Well-Being, Fulfilling Relationships, and Promotes Increased Creativity and Prosperity. This philosophy is Old like the World.
Our Spirituality is built on the theory that there is One Infinite Mind and that Mind Is In All of Creation. Therefore WithIn Each of Us is the Total and Complete Power of the Mind of The God. It is this same Mind that was in Jesus and many other great teachers throughout history.
This Spiritual Sense of Things is what is Meant by the Consciousness of Christ.
Spirituality is knowing that:
You are Wonderful Light Being. You come to this place for Temporary Visit to Experience Love and Happiness.
Secret of the Ancient Knowing and Realization of Image-in-Action!
Consciousness Provides the Energy of Life
The Power of this Knowledge is so Great, that THEY "Silence" People to Keep Them Quite, for many Millennia.
Power of Thinking with Image-in-Action is Your Power!
THEY Knew, that THEY will Not Control Us if We Know the Secret of Our Powerful Mind in Collective Consciousness.
Learn more & Enhance Your Life with Spirituality & Wellness!
The Evolution of Consciousness
You must Un-Learn what you have been ‘programmed’ to believe from birth. That software no longer serves you if you want to live in a universe where all things are possible.
-Jacqueline E. PurcellThe World Is in Crisis and in Transformation. Now, Our Civilization Has the Opportunity to Evolve its Thinking. We are Beginning to Realize that the Old Ways of Competition and 'Survival of the Fittest', Living in Constant Fear, are Not Sustainable for Individuals, Businesses, or the Earth.
You have the Power to Influence Matter and the Physical World with Just the Power of Your Thoughts.
Quantum Mechanics - IS VERY CLEAR ABOUT OUR "REALITY - In 1927 at the Physics Conference in Brussels, Belgium, new propose off the Mind over the Mater was admit.
"All Matter Originates and Exists Only by Virtue of a Force. We Must Assume Behind this Force is the Existence of a Conscious and Intelligent Mind. This Mind is the Matrix of All Matter"
Max Planck - The Father of Quantum Physics 1858-1947
The secret, Mind over matter was known 18 years before first atomic blast 1945.
"Anyone Who Becomes Seriously Involved in the Pursuit of Science Become Convinced that there is a Spirit Manifest in the Laws of the Universe, a Spirit Vastly Superior to that of Man" -Albert Einstein
Knowledge - is Power, Lock of Knowledge is Lock of Power!
Learn All About Your Power You Have!
Coaching Sessions, Coach Groups and Individuals.
preacher@uuulala.comWhat religion is saying How to Be a Human, Hunarable and Decent?
How Religions Describe Spirituality?
Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.
JUDAISM; The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as your self.
TAOISM; Regard your neighbour’s gain as your own gain, and your neighbours loss as your own loss.
CHRISTIANITY; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
BUDDHISM; Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.
CONFUCIANISM; Never impose on other what you would not choose for your self.
HINDUISM; One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one's own self.
Spirituality is knowing that: Every Human is a Necessary and Valuable, Just Like a Cell in that Organism.
Spirituality is: All about Learning to Generate and Hold On To Positive, Healthy Feelings...All the Time!
Spirituality is: It is our True Destiny to Change from a Society based on Fear and Competition, to One based on Love, Peace, and Harmony.
Spirituality is Knowing More: I AM that I AM. Remember, You are Powerful Creator. We All Are.
Spirituality is Knowing More: You are Victim of your Lack of Knowledge and Lack off Will to be FREE.
Spirituality is Knowing More: You Have the Power to Heal Yourself and the Earth. It Starts with the Belief and Imagine, that You Can Do It and Then Actually "Doing It"!
Spirituality is Knowing that: "All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo
Spirituality is knowing that: You are Wonderful Light Being. You come to this place for Temporary Visit to Experience Love and Happiness Trough Your Body.
Spirituality is; All our knowledge has its origin in our perceptions. — Leonardo da Vinci
Spirituality is; What if your Body Die, and You be spending, many years, in Dark with Your your memory and "life experience" will help You Being alone, in Dark with Your Self for several Thousand Years?
THEY Want You Believe, that You are Long Descendent of the Monkey!
Perhaps THEY are, but I KNOW, I AM part of the God Design and Part of Him!
THEY Knew, that THEY Will Not Control Us if We Know the Secret of Our Mind in Collective Consciousness.
Remember, You are Powerful Creator. We All Are.
The Quantum Level is Very Sensitive to Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Activity....
When You Increase Your Spirituality,
You Will Do Not Create Evil Anymore...
The laws of nature gives Evidence that they are Under the Control of a Universal Plan.
Man is the only living creature equipped with Power of Choice Through which he May Establish his Own Thought and Behaviour Patterns.
You Have the Power to Break Bad Habits and To Create Good Ones in their place - at Will.
When you Increase Your Spirituality, You will Increase Hunger for Knowledge.
When You Increase Your Knowledge, You will get feeling, that you Know so little and You Must Learn More.
When you Learn more, You Understand More and You will start be Amaze How long You been live your Life without living Your Life in this Reality.
Unless You Understand How Reality is Manifested, Your Destiny and the Destiny of the Earth Will Be in the Hands of the Ruling Elite Who Do PROGRAMING for You with Your Ignorance.
Power of Many Hearts in a State of Unity Have the Awesome Potential to Bring Peace to Our Earth.
What Is a Spirituality Coach?
A Spirituality coach acts as a Motivator, an Educator and an Accountability Partner to Support Individuals in making lasting lifestyle changes that Improve Their Physical, Mental Well-being and addresses the Whole Person,
A Spirituality coach creates awareness by asking questions
, backing a variety of strategies, options, supporting action and create this Strong and Lasting Foundation of Awareness Who Client is, what Client Want True the Lasting Change.A Spirituality coaching by phone allows clients to focus completely on behaviour change and learning. You will learn to take ownership of Your Health and Wellness.
A lot of people need to change their lifestyle in order to make exercise work for them. I will make a lasting difference in the lives of the people who seek personal and physical wellness.
Are you interested in learning the skills necessary to change and maintain motivation for the long term? Now you know what to do.
Make a first step by Realize that You Need Improvements and call me.
You will Glad You Did.
Stay Healthy, Prosper, Love and Forgive.
Enhance Your Life With Spirituality & Wellness!
Be in Service. Dream, Create, Work & Build
Life is Good!